End Of Day
The End of Day report is a cash flow report designed to show what has happened to your cash flow over the period of time between the End of Day processes. The dates and times that the report represents are listed at the top of the page. Looking at the Beginning Balance (the sum of the cash drawers starting balances) add the line items listed to get your Total In. You can then subtract the listed line items below Total In to get the Total Out amount. The Ending Balance is the Total In minus the Total Out.
At the bottom of the upper left box you should see the Over/Short listed. This shows the difference between what the computer expects you to have and what the employee’s typed in when they closed out the terminals. Using the line items in the upper left box and the drawer counts in the upper right box may help you understand what happened if you are left with an Over/Short balance.
The lower left box shows the Starting Inventory Cost then lists adjustments to inventory to give you the Ending Inventory Cost. The retail value of inventory is then broken down by store inventory and consignor inventory. Consignor payout totals, for the selected period of time, are listed in the Consignor Payouts box.
The Terminal report shows the End of Day report information broken down by individual terminals. It also includes the individual cash in, cash out and voided transaction amounts and reason by terminal. This can be helpful in narrowing down over/short issues to an individual terminal.
The Transaction report breaks down the transactions listed on the transaction tab of the application by the end of day process times just like the End of Day report. The report includes buys, sells, voids, returns, trades, and layaways that have been paid off. It does not include things like cash in/out or consignor payouts. This is a good tool to use in conjunction with the End of Day report to track down cash flow discrepancies.
Gift Card Balances
This report lists all gift card barcodes, descriptions, and balances as well as the total outstanding gift card balance.
End Of Month
The End of Month report is an extension of the End of Day report. It adds each of the fields on the End of Day report together for the selected date range. You can run this report from and to any date range you desire, but if you ran multiple End of Day Processes in one day, you may need to select which date/time to start the report. If no End of Day Process was run on the start or end date, the report will include information and dates between End of Day Processes. This report, just like the End of Day report, is designed to show you what has happened with your cash flow over time.
Inventory Adjustments
This report lists all inventory items added or edited for the selected date range.
Sold not in System
This report lists all of the items that were sold that either had a quantity of 0 or were added at the time of sale for the selected date range.
Sales By Category
This report shows sales by category for a specified date range. The report shows each category, the number of items, cost of goods, sales, and gross margins. (*NOTE: Stores that consign goods will have a higher gross margin than buy/sell shops as most inventory items do not have a cost.) This report also shows a breakdown of new and used goods by category.
Inventory By Category
This report shows the quantity of store owned and consignment inventory as well as the total cost of goods by category.
Payout Activity
This report shows the payouts done for consignors during the selected time. Payouts are separated by the various payment methods. The information that shows on this report includes the date, payout type, consignor ID, consignor name, and amount.
Consignor Monthly Fee
This report was designed for companies that charge monthly fees to consignors. By running this report, you can view monthly fees by consignor for the selected date range. This report includes the current account balance so you can see which consignors have a negative balance.
Sales Report
The Sales report is designed to provide the important information for tax purposes and accounting. This report runs on a calendar day basis and is completely independent of the End of Day Process. It will provide taxable sales, sales tax, online sales, fees, layaway payments/pay offs, as well as statistics like number of items sold, number of returns, voided sales, and average sales amount per transaction.
Consignor Sales
This report shows a consignor’s sales across the date range selected. It includes sales totals, taxable sales, nontaxable sales, the date sold, the items name, price, quantity, subtotal and whether or not the item was discounted. (*NOTE: Items with a negative quantity and a sales total in parenthesis denotes returned items.)
Hourly Sales Report
This report shows sales by hour for a single date. It can be used to help with staffing and to note peak hours.
Employee Sales Report
This report shows sales by employee for a specified date range. It will include total sales, consignment sales vs. store inventory sales, and service sales.
Online Sales Report
This report will list items sold online through SimpleConsign's API (Application Programming Interface). You can specify a date range and view sales and items for that time period. It will include total sales, the number of sales, and sales tax collected.