Fee Settings

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From the Back Office, navigate to Settings in the upper right corner. Next, select Options > Fees to find the different fees settings. 



Option Description
Use Buyers Fee A per item fee that is taken off the retail price before the consignor split is calculated. This can be overridden at the inventory level. Buyers fee can be overridden at the transaction level as well. Example: Item retail is $10.00, buyers fee is $1.00, consignor split is 40%. Consignor will receive $3.60 ($10 - $1.00 = $9.00 * 40% = $3.60). Click the "Add Buyers Fee" button to add a new range for buyers fee pricing.
Different Types of Buyers Fees
  • Tiered: Items created in a batch or time of sale will receive a buyer's fee if their retail price falls within the user created tiers. Enter the price range (inclusive) and fee that will be taken off the item's sale price before consignor split is calculated. For example, if you want a $1.00 for anything from $20.00 on up, enter $20.00 to $21474836.47 = $1.00. You can add as many ranges as you need.
  • Percent: Items created in a batch or time of sale will receive a buyer's fee as a percentage of the chosen number.


Ignore Buyer's Fee for Items Entered at POS With this feature on, a Buyer's Fee will not be applied to items added into the system at the Point-of-Sale.
Hide Buyer's Fee in Checkout
With this feature off, Buyer's Fees will not be visible/overridable on the Checkout tab.
Add Buyer's Fees to Consignor Entered Items
With this feature on, Buyer's Fees will be applied to items added into the system through Consignor Access.
Use Item Fee

A per item fee that is taken off the consignor split amount.

Example: Item retail is $10.00, item fee is $1.00, consignor split is 40%. Consignor will receive $3.00 ($10 * 40% = $4.00 - $1.00 = $3.00). Click the "Add Item Fee" button to add a new range for item fee pricing.

Credit Card Processing Fee (%)

This is a percentage of the total sale that will be taken from the consignor’s balance when a customer pays with a credit card.

Check Fee

This is a fee that gets applied against a consignor’s balance when paying the consignor with a check.

SimpleACH Fee

Amount you want deducted from a consignor's account when you pay them out via ACH.

Online Transaction Fee (%)

These fees apply to online sales recorded in SimpleConsign via the Shopify Integration and the Traxia Transaction API. This per item fee is calculated based on the retail price, after any buyer’s fee, and before the consignor split is calculated.

  • Example: Item retail is $10.00, online transaction fee is 10% and the consignor split is 50%. Consignor will receive $4.00 ($10 retail * 50% split = $5.00) - ($10 retail * 10% online transaction fee = $1.00).
  • In the case the item has a buyer's fee: Item retail is $10.00, buyer’s fee is $1.00, online transaction fee is 10% and consignor split is 50%. Consignor will receive $3.60 (($10 retail - $1 buyer’s fee) * 50% split = $4.50) - (($10 retail - $1 buyer's fee) * 10% online transaction fee = $0.90).

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