Access your downloads list in Chrome or Firefox (Hold down Ctrl then press the letter J)
Click on Edna.Win.exe to run the file. If you have downloaded it before you may see a number (3) within the link
You'll see this window pop up, click Next
Accept the terms and license agreement
Click Next to install screen, then click Install
Next you'll get a pop up from Microsoft User Account Controls asking if you would like this app to make changes to your device - click Yes
Click Finish and EDNA will be installed!
If you have printers already powered on and plugged into your computer you'll want to turn them off for 10 seconds then turn them back on. You'll see them pop up where you can add them under the Printers window in the top right.
You can name the printer if you would like or leave it the default name
Select the printer on the printing mapping tab