Add A Category

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Create a Category

From the Category Settings click + New Category to add a new category. A new window will open with a variety of options for configuring your category.

Required Fields

There are additional customizations that can be set up for individual categories. For a full break down visit the Customize Categories section.

Category Name

By default, the category name will be in all caps to provide consistent formatting for your categories. If you wish to change this, you can save the category and reopen it to edit the capitalization of your category names.

Inventory Type

For more information on inventory type you can visit the glossary article for Inventory Types.

Tax for Category

Select the tax for your category. Tax rates are configured in the Tax Settings.
To finish, select save in the bottom left corner to finish creating your category.

Non-Required Fields

Categories have a lot of powerful customization features. Here's a breakdown of what they control and some suggestions on how to use them.

Default Category

The default category option allows you to set which category will be the default category unless otherwise specified. Most stores leave the default category as UNCATEGORIZED, but if your store primarily uses one category that would be a good reason to change the default.


Categories will have the location split (set in the Consignment Settings) by default, but can be changed for specific categories. This allows the store to incentivize behavior by offering better splits on certain categories of items.

Label Type

For specialty categories, you can have items print out on a different labels or tags than the default by assigning a label type on the category level. Commonly, this is used for Jewelry and Shoe categories.

For this to work best you'll want a compatible label printer for each unique label or tag you plan to use. This will enable the system to send the right items to the right printer without having to swap out rolls and calibrate the printer frequently.

Discount Schedule

Location discount schedules can be overridden by custom category discount schedules. Simply uncheck the Use Default Location Discount Schedule option and configure the discount schedule for the category in the same manner as a location discount schedule.

Do Not Discount

Do not discount sets the default for items in that category to be exempted from automatic discounts. This allows items in that category to maintain their price by default, but can be changed on an item by item basis.

Expire Days

By default, categories will follow the expire days for their location. If you would like to change how long items in a certain category have before they expire or convert you can uncheck the box and list a custom number of expire days. This is great for allowing items that typically take longer to sell more time on the floor or can be paired with a custom category discount schedule to get items moving out the door faster.

Resale Percentages

Buy Outright style stores may want to set a resale percentage for an individual category to allow more precise purchasing of inventory. This can be accomplished by unchecking the "Use Location Resale Percentages" option to provide a custom setting on the selected category.

Display in Consignor Item Entry

The professional plan allows consignors to enter their own inventory through Consignor Access. If a store would like consignors to be able to select which category their items should land in they can enable specific categories to be seen in Consignor Item Entry.

Keep in mind that the category an item is in can determine important things about an item like the tax rate, store split, and discounts. Allowing consignors to choose their own categories can also allow them to choose these secondary settings as well.

Shipping Attributes

If you have standard Height, Weight, Depth, and Width of a category of items you can preset those values for easier data entry.

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