How to link consignors across location
When you create a consignor, the record is tied to a specific location. At the same
time, the software automatically creates a corresponding customer record at the
company level. This is because store credit operates at the customer level. In other
words - every consignor is also a customer, but not every customer is a consignor.
Steps to Link a Consignor Across Locations
Begin by creating a consignor at one location.
Once the consignor is created, go to the Customer tab.
In the top-right corner of the Customer tab, click Make Consignor.
Select the desired location from the dropdown.
Click the Make Consignor button to create the consignor account at the selected
location. This links the existing consignor record across locations.
Important note: If you want to pay consignors across multiple locations, ensure this feature is enabled in the Company tab under settings.