Amounts in Consignor Access not matching up with SimpleConsign

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This article offers key discussion points for addressing discrepancies between Consignor Access and SimpleConsign account balances with your consignor.

  1. Verify the Date Range: Ensure that both SimpleConsign and Consignor Access are using the same date range for comparison. Consignor Access defaults to the current pay period, with reconciled (paid out) inventory hidden. This setting can be adjusted on both the Activity and Items pages using the date drop-down menu.

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.15.02 AM.png

  2. Reconciled Inventory: As mentioned, items that have been paid out (reconciled) will not be included in the displayed balance by default. You can toggle the visibility of reconciled inventory using the option next to the date selection drop-down.

  3. Fees and Adjustments: First, add up all items that lack a SKU, as a SKU would indicate an inventory item. Be mindful that standard fees like monthly fees, credit card processing fees, and check fees are obvious, but additional credit applied to the account when consignors use their balance as store credit is considered an adjustment (if your store offers an additional store credit percentage).

  4. Clarifying Misunderstandings: Often, discrepancies come down to a simple misunderstanding. The blue box in Consignor Access represents the amount the consignor will be paid, not the green box. The formula is: Consignor Amount - Fees & Adjustments = Net Total.

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